Will the Mirth Mobile Ever Mirth Again?
On the morning of Halloween at about 8:30 Am it became quite apparent that the Beloved Mirth Mobile had been sabotaged. The Mirth Mobile was flown via AAA emergency Transport Services to Watertown Goodyear were it was found that they were a bunch of rip off artists. The Mirth Mobile was then transported to another Emergency facility and diagnosed with minor yet time consuming and costly damage. Several suspects are being investigated in the assassination attempt on the Mirth Mobiles life and others are being questioned about possible involvement in the attempts on the car's life. The Mirth Mobile is said to be a happy-go-lucky kind of car with amazing gas milage, and no knows of any reason there might be as to why the Mirth Mobile may have enemies. Some conspiracy theorists speculate that SUV manufactures may be to blame due to jealousy over the Mirth Mobiles 40mpg fuel consumption rate. Other suspects include the Evil poo throwing monkeys, The Coalition of Godzilla Fairies(mainly their leader lrzed), Crows, WoodChucks, other small mammals, a deer or two, and of course Spluge. The Dark Child is also under suspicion, but it is more likely that she is just a red herring in the situation. The Mirth Mobile is schedualed for release from A Plus Auto repair around 5:30 this evening.
Poor car.... *tear*
Who could do such a thing? Let me assure you, I had NO part in this. Really. Ummm.... Caprice did it!!!! I saw her. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She'll pay for the damage. In fact, she'll give you MORE, because she feels so bad.
I think coolness is using code. Caprice must really mean.... KELSEE!!!!!!
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