Dog Poo? Seriously this is getting out of hand!
Dark Alliance Intelligence (DAI) has reported that the poop mines that the Dark Messiah stepped in twice in two days were planted by Gojo Ryu operatives in attempts to slip up the great foe. Spluge, known ally of the Golo Ryu Clan and long time enemy of the Dark Alliance was questioned about the attacks, but only repeatedly responded by saying, "I Throw Poo!! HAHAHAHA" and clapping loudedly while jumping up and down. The Himster of the other Dark Alliance was questioned and reportedly responded with much laughter. Could this be a new line of chemical warfare? Are we all doomed to tolerate the stinky undersides of fashonable affordable footware? Was it Spluge or lrzed, or was it a group of angry monkeys? Is there a difference?
Hehehehehe!!!!!! I Laugh...A Lot!!!
This pack of angry monkeys' is going to beat the "poo" out of you wannabe!
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