It's Friday Again
Monday- School and 4 hours of sleep. Whoever invented Mondays should be drug into the street and shot.
Tuesday- I work at my "horribly difficult" job in the music store.(haha)
Wednesday- Roughly the same as Monday with the exception of an extra hour of sleep .
Thursday- Darkness falls in the scramble to finsih out the week on top. More working at my "overly difficult" job in the music store.
Halo weekend has arrived.
Friday- Killing Spluge, and with any luck possibly watching The Real Ogre (thats right not Ogre375, but a far greater evil, a darkness that consumes all in its path and happens to be visiting the flat this weekend) destroy the Spluge. Also the possiblity of watching Ogre375 destroy Spluge as well.'s best not to leave anyone out so everybody, it is hoped, will be seen destroying the Spluge.
Saturday- Same thing as Friday with any luck
Sunday- Originally God decides he likes what he did with that place and takes a nap which is pretty much the same thing I'm going to do.....and perhaps a little more Halo.